"At age nine I was a shoe shine boy. Of all my customers, prostitutes were the kindest and best tippers."
-Larry O.
"One of the cleanest and classiest comics we've ever had."
-Pechanga Casino
"I love billiards. As a teenager I stayed up all night hustling pool. Anybody for a game of 9-ball?"
-Larry O.
"For the horror movie '21 Days', I had to learn 4 lines in the Navaho language. It took me 2 weeks. Boy was my tongue tired."
-Larry O.
"So funny and original. We brought him back right away."
-Coeur d'Alene Casino
My high school counselor said I wasn't college material. I ended up going to law school and later became a comedian who has performed at over 200 colleges.
-Larry O.
A career highlight was performing in Amman, Jordan for the King of Jordan, who then invited me to dine at the royal palace with him, Queen Rania, and their friends.
-Larry O.
My career low was performing in Dodger stadium at midnight. I was hired to entertain one-thousand movie extras who had been sitting all day and night. They were tired and hungry and didn't laugh once.
-Larry O.
"Larry is hilarious! One of the best comics we've ever used."
American Indian Housing Conference
In college I made money driving taxi and later I drove for UPS, delivering packages like a mad man!
-Larry O.
"He made our annual event a fantastic success!"
-Huntington Beach Police Dept.
My worse job ever was digging ditches for laying gas lines. It was brutal but at least I wasn't digging grave sites.
-Larry O.
"At age nine I was a shoe shine boy. Of all my customers, prostitutes were the kindest and best tippers."
-Larry O.

Mar 2025: 
Hawaii bound in Mid-March. Will you be joining me on the Carnival Radiance?  Free coffee! Free food!  You only have to pay for your pillows.        

Feb 2025:
How can it be February?  The downside of enjoying life is that it goes by too fast.  If you want to slow down your life, start doing miserable stuff.  Genius!  I'm heading to Colorado Springs to tape a comedy special called Open Bar Comedy. I will be doing some jokes that I normally save for midnight shows....sexy and sensuous.  Come to Loonees in Colorado springs on Feb 20.  Hurry!  Don't miss out on Uncle Larry sharing wisdom.       

Jan 2025:
 Holy Freakazoid!  Another year gone by.  And the jokes keep coming as well as the acting of yours truly.  This year if you stumble across another website labeled Uncle Larry Omaha, that will be me.  I've found myself counseling from stage to my freaky confused comedy patrons.  As a psuedo uncle I gladly give free advice with no training background whatsover.  But, I'm usually right.  Hope to see your beautiful faces in my audience soon.  And I hope to solve one of your problems soon.  Just remember, humor is everywhere.         

Dec 2024:
 So, it was just New Years Day a few weeks ago, it seems, but now we are leaving 2024 and soon entering 2025. It was a great year once again in the comedy world. Lots of great shows and I met lots of great fans.  I just booked a role in a 10 part documentary titled "People of the West." It is the history of Indigenous Californians. Yes, we're telling our version of history. I'll let you know where you can watch it when I find out.  My role is that of a wise spiritual leader.  So, I won't be acting, I'll just be my usual self.  LOL.               

Nov 2024:
 This month will be very busy with gigs on ships and casinos. I'll be cruising to Mexico and joking in casinos in Washington and New Mexico. Keep an eye out for Uncle Larry coming to a city near you.           

Oct 2024:
 I finished a two week cruise in the Alaskan waters.  I rode a whale and wrestled a polar bear.  I ain't scared!  Flying to Hawaii this month to jump on a Carnival Cruise.  I'll be surfing from Hilo all the way to Long Beach, CA.     

Sept 2024:
 Sept 11, 7:00 PM (PST), on channel INSP (Inspiration channel) my performance on Wild West Chronicles will air. My character, Blue Eagle saves the life of Sheriff Bass Reeves.  I had a great show in Rocky Boy, Montana helping to get out the vote!  Soon I'll be bringing laughs to the sea for two weeks along the ports of Alaska.  In October I have been called to jury duty.  I will hopefully send a serial killer to his just ending.     

August 2024: 
 My Tilta Camera commercial was released this month. It was a blast working with one of China's top directors. Click the link below.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oeIuLsPt9c

My movie "Helldorado" hasn't been released yet.  Probably 2025 it will be released.  

In the meantime I'm traipsing around the land and seas keeping the endorphins flowing in audiences young and old.

June 2024: 
Lots of acting jobs. My commercial for Tilta Cameras will be airing soon.  And my great performance in Wild West Chronicles will be airing in September on the INSP network.  My episode is titled, Bass Reeves: A Father's Justice. There is a surprise twist involving my character, Blue Eagle. Stay tuned for more of me!     

Mar 2024:
 Another busy month. I booked a voice-over job for a movie titled "Springfield."  I narrated throughout the entire movie.  Challenging voice work. Then I flew to Las Vegas to work in a film titled "Helldorado!"  I was made up to look like a 100 year-old blind Paiute elder.  The climax to the movie is spectacular.  I have several gigs around Los Angeles and then its back on the cruise ships.      

Feb 2024:
I'm in the hills north of Los Angeles filming an episode of Wild West Chronicles "Bass Reeves" first black sheriff in the old west.  I save his life and give him advice on a serious problem.  I'm also shooting a commercial in the Mammoth Lakes area of central California.  I'll let you know when and where to watch my incredible acting talents. LOL.       

Jan 2024: 
Here we go!  Another freak filled year taking off.  I hope you join me in my 2024 adventure. I took off some time to visit family and just get my land legs back. Soon I'll be back full-speed. Starting in the Caribbean January 25. I will be joking and dancing to the Bob Marley spirit.    

Dec 2023: 
Another freaky year has sped by.  It was all fun all year.  I landed in Ireland for the second time.  Leprechauns everywhere!   Friendly people but Irish Airline lost my luggage.  Eventually found it.  I learned enough French to order coffee and croissants in a French coffee house. Si Vous Plait.  Great shows in Seattle casinos and excellent shows on Norwegian and Carnival and Celebrity cruise ships.  I am very versatile physically and mentally.  I don't know what that means LOL. Hope to see all my freaky fans again in 2024.  Stay safe my brothers and sisters.            

May 2023:
  Wow!  Months just whizzing by.  I just returned from exploring Ireland, France and England.  I proclaimed those countries belong to the Indigenous people of the North American continent ... we'll see what happens.  I'll be in Northern Cali on July 8 trying to raise money for a great cause.  Get your tickets...CalShakes! Good Medicine: A night of Native Comedy! 100 California Shakespeare, Orinda, CA        

Jan 2023: 
  Starting off the year with clean comedy in Honolulu, Hawaii. 
Taqueria El Ranchero, Ka Makana Ali i in Kapolei. Jan 12th, 9PM. Tickets on sale now. Start the year with clean comedy!

Dec 2022:
 Another freaky comedy year is coming to a conclusion. I give thanks every day for my good health, my beautiful family, my great friends and of course the 3 excellent comedy fans I have!  I'm not sure,  I might be up to 4 fans now. My recent shows up in the great Northwest, Oregon and Washington, gave me a chance to reconnect with longtime comedy associates.
December will find me finishing the year creating laughs on the Norwegian Joy cruise ship heading to Central America and Mexico.  I might take time off to explore the jungles of Guatemala and Costa Rica to look for gold that was missed by the idiot Christopher Columbus.

Oct 2022:
 August and September flew by and now its October.  Fluffy had me open for him in New York City and Newark, New Joizy.  Both arenas were packed with more than 10,000 Fluffy fans.  Next month I'll be performing at the Chinook Winds Casino in Lincoln, Oregon on Nov 18-19.  So if you live in Oregon I'll expect to see you there.        

July 2022: I'm cruising up to Napa Valley on July 30 to perform at the Laugh Cellar. It's a top notch comedy venue. I hope to see you there.  https://www.crushersofcomedy.com

Also, Check me out at the DryBar Comedy site. Clean comedy for those who appreciate hilariouus joking without the swearing.  

Feb 2022:
 I just performed with Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias on his Midwest tour of Independence, MO, Omaha, NE, Sioux city, IA, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  Sold out arenas every night, 5,000 to 6,000 capacity audiences.  Fluffy continues to be the hottest comedy ticket in America.  It is an honor to be an opening act for him.     

Jan 2022:
I'm back in sharp comedy form again.  Doing cruise ships and in early February I'll be touring with Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias in Omaha, Sioux City and Cedar Rapids.  Hope to see you at one of these venues.   

Nov 2021:
I think all the "pandemic rust" is off my comedy act.  It took several shows to remember premises, setups, punchlines, tags and overall comfort on stage.  Audience members wouldn't notice but at times I was up on stage searching through my brain for the next word! But now I feel real sharp.  I performed a gig recently for 300 and I could do no wrong.  I'm so addicted to the creation of laughter and the healing that it brings. I'm so glad I quit law school and chose the world of standup comedy.  

Oct 2021:
 I'm riding the highs seas again. Joking around the shores of Alaska.  My Inuit brothers and sisters are laughing and riding polar bears like crazy.  Next stop, the Bahamas in early November. Jump on a ship and join me.          

Aug 2021:
I'm performing more and more around LA.  On August 21 I will be joking around in Simi Valley, CA. The Junkyard is a restaurant with a comedy room that has been packing them in. Come check me out.

June 2021:
I'm getting my comedy legs back!  Keep checking here to see when I'm going to be in your area.

Mar 2021
: Beginning in May 2021 you will hear me narrating a documentary titled "Enduring Faith: The Story of Native American Catholicism."  It will be on your ABC affiliate channel. It's a fascinating look at the church and its affect on the Indigenous population of the Americas.

Mar 15:
It's been a year since everything shut down.  I've performed twice in the last 12 months.  I've lost 2 close friends in the past 12 months. I'm cautiously optimistic that by summer or fall comedy shows will be back in full swing.  I'm playing it safe and wearing my mask even when I shower.    

Sept 26:
Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote!
Nov 3rd election is fast approaching. I appear in a commercial which encourages all Americans to get their bootys to the poll and make their choice.

Aug 14:
On Sunday August 16th I'll be performing on Zoom to raise money for a worthy educational cause "Life Works". My first time performing into my laptop.  Also, the price of my merch has been slashed.  Good time to buy some stocking stuffers.     

July 28
: 3 months since I was last here joking about lockdown.  Boy, not much to joke about these days.  I'm looking for joke ideas but it seems sacriligeous considering all the suffering around the country.  I live alone so there has been no female affection and that just ain't right!  I'm a healthy man with needs.  You know, like hand holding and sipping coffee while gazing into a woman's eyes.  I find myself hoping a Jehova Witness woman will knock on my door. I would inviter her in, look at her magazines, make her coffee, feed her muffins, brush her hair, etc.  In other words Iwould make her so comfortable she wouldn't want to leave.  I know, I'm sick. Anyway, I hope you're avoiding the virus.               

April 27:  This is day 395 of Lockup Larry. Well it seems like 395 days.  Good news is I am still submitting for acting roles and i booked a role with ICON MEDIA for an upcoming production.  Today I submittted for a doctor role which I'm sure I'll get because my hands have healed many by passing out aspirin to my hungover friends. Some of you might wonder how I'm submitting during the Lockdown.  I video tape myself, edit it and send it to the production company.  Voila!

April 5:
  It's been 30 days since I departed my last cruise ship gig,  All my April and May gigs are cancelled due to Covid-19. I'm showing no signs of illness.  No symptoms at all.  So, everyday I'm doing what every other American is doing -  looking for ways to occupy my time.  In normal times I would wake up at 6:00 AM and begin working on jokes to try on stage that night or the next night.  But now with no stage time in sight for weeks or months my brain seems to have halted production.  Instead I've completed a few projects around my condo. I donated lots of clothes and items to the Salvation Army; cleaned out my garage, re-organized my office, done a little painting and I'm catching up on numerous movies and documentaries.  In January I decided to begin a plant based diet, so, its been interesting discovering how damn good fruits and vegetables and nuts are in various forms.  I don't miss having meat in my life.  I live alone so I've also called numerous friends and family to catch up and make sure everyone is ok. I hope to see you all healthy and laughing at my stupid jokes in the near future.  I spend about 3 hours a day riding my bike around up and and down the hills of Santa Clarita. The streets are empty just the way I like them.  I have to stay fit for when the time comes for me to hold onto that heavy microphone.    

Nov 19:
  Today I booked a role in an upcoming movie titled "Unplugging."  We shoot in late January.  The producers were kind enough to work around my standup schedule.  I guess they liked me, they really really liked me.  Also, January 2 & 3 I'll be performing two nights at the 4 Bears Casino in North Dakota.  Yes, I know it will be cold but i will heat things up, baby!  In addition, you can catch me on 3 different cruise ships where I'll be creating humor on the high seas and taking no prisoners!

Oct 30:
 Halloween is here. Don't be scurred as freaks and geeks knock on your door.  I'll be back at Northern Lights Casino way up in northern Minnesota joking with the goblins on Nov 2.  I'll be sharing my crazy halloween stories.  Don't be scurred.  

Sept 10. I was celebrating my birthday when I got an offer to open again for Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias at the Mirage Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. So pack your bags, don't forget your medicinal marijuana, and come on down to the diamond in the desert, September 13 & 14.

Aug 2019.
  I just finished an Alaskan tour on the NCL Jewel.  I met hundreds of cruisers from all over the world and for some strange reason they loved my freaky sense of humor. Looking forward to another Alaskan cruise next week on the NCL Joy.  Also, I'm getting really excited these days, why?  Football season is about to kick off!  Also, my new CD is about to be released.  It's unlike any other comedy CD.  It contains hilarious comedy created when I question youngsters in my audience.  The kids honest answers provide fodder for my comedy cannon.  The CD is titled, "Kids Are Freaky Too."  It's a comedy CD that can be listened to by adults and kids at the same time with no worry about foul or inappropriate language.  It will be selling here on my site and if you catch me in a club or on a ship I'm sure you can convince me to let you buy one.  That's the kind of guy I am.       

June 2019
 I'm relaxing, uh recovering during most of June after mother nature took a stab at knocking me off my feet. Thanks to my excellent friend Jimmy Burns for rushing me to a hospital and the excellent medical staff at the Henry Mayo Hospital I am on a quick road to recovery.         

May 2019.
I'm in Vancouver enjoying the cool breezy May weather.  Lots of freaks up here in Canada.  Heading to east coast next week to cruise the Bahamas.      

April 2019.
 This month is hilariously crazy! I performed for the Notah Begay III Foundation at the National Indian Gaming Association Convention.  We raised money for health services to Native American youth.  Then way up near Billingham, Washington I performed to help raise money for the Northwest Indian School.  I also found time to create laughter for cruisers heading to Ensenada.  And as I write this I'm in Provo, Utah about to tape a clean comedy special for Drybar.  Next week I'm entertaining folks on a ship from Mexico to Alaska....whoa...hold on fellow freakazoids! 

Mar 2019.  Just finishing up another busy month. I criss-crossed the hemisphere from Pasadena to Aruba to Ensenada, Mexico. In April I'll be helping raise funds for the Notah Begay III Foundation which funds health care programs for Native American youth.  I'll be hosting a comedy show at the Native American Gaming Association Annual Convention in San Diego.  Then I'll be up near the Canadian border performing at the 11th annual Tl’aneq’ Cultural Arts Auctions & Gala.
Jan: 2019.  This year is flying by.  Its almost 2020.  Time to get busy.  Since i'm almost never home to enjoy my cable tv 2019 is the year I am going to join those who have cut the cable.  I'm checking out Roku and streaming services.  We'll see how it works out.  I spent the last days of 2018 relaxing in New York City and New Jersey.  I'm back in LA performing around town working on new material.  I'll be jumping on a ship in late January.  If you see me in an airport, give me a holler.    

2018 is almost history.  Another year flew by like a roadrunner on crack.  Don't make any new year resolutions cause you'll just end up being pissed off that you didn't achieve any of them.  I hope to see you freaks at one of my shows in 2019.  

Oct:  The long hot summer might finally be over in California.  Whew!   On the bright side, I took my first vacation in 30 years.  Yes, 30 years.  I flew to Hawaii and hiked Diamond Head, biked, and swam the waikiki surf.  Our 50th state Is a very expensive place but well worth it.  I'll head back to the stage soon, some on the water, some in casinos, some in the mountains above Los Angeles.  All freakazoidz are welcome to my shows!

August:  I'm heading up to Alaska to search for the Abominable Snowman.  Or is it, Abdominal Snowman?  I have several books of matches to melt him down to my size.  I'll be telling jokes when not hunting.

April: Hey Freakazoidz!  Watch me telling jokes on FNX First Nations Comedy Experience.  Broadcast April 6, Friday night.    
Also, April 19th I was in Las Vegas helping raise money for the Notah Begay 3 Foundation which is dedicated to improving the health of all Native children.     

 I've been hopping around the map. I taped a comedy standup show in San Bernardino, CA for the FNX network. It will air later in the year.  On Feb 17 I performed for the Edward County Medical Center in Kinsley, Kansas.  The hospital crew showed me great hospitality. Midwest audiences are among the best.  Then I flew to Alabama to jump on a ship heading to Mexico.

Jan 2018:  I ended 2017 performing an early evening show December 31.  Then I was fast asleep when 2018 arrived.  Exciting life of a comedian.

Dec 2017:  This month has me all over the map.  Performing for North Hollywood cops at the Ha Ha Club.  Then up to Northern Lights Casino in the icy tundra of northern Minnesota.  Maybe I'll ice fish, catch me a shark in one of those lakes up there.  Then I'm down to New Orleans to board a Norwegian luxury ship for a couple of weeks of joking all throughout the eastern and western Caribbean.  Another freaky year has sped by.  My calendar for 2018 is already filling up, so, if you want to see me in your area, make the right moves and I'll be there.         

Oct 2017:
It's October and its still freakin' hot in SoCal.  Fires everywhere.  Whew! So glad there is no global warming or it would really be krazy.  I'm thankful for the firefighters in my hood who have been kicking fires ass.  Come on out to one of my air-conditioned gigs.  I will hand out ice cubes if necessary.  

Sept 2017: 
I'm smoking in LA this month cause its 100 degrees everyday. The only way to cool off is for everyone to head to a comedy club where I'm performing.  The Ice House and the Laugh Factory are verrrry cooooool venues.  Get your booties up and moving.  The Ventura Harbor Comedy Club is right next to the ocean...a sweet breeze. See you freaks soon.
July 2017:  
I'm heading up to Northern Cali on July 15 to perform at the Elks Valley Casino.  I know they have lots of Tsunamis up there so I'm buying flood insurance just in case.  8pm show.  I expect to see lots of my freaky friends.  

June 2017: Its 112 degrees in LA.  Brings back boyhood memories of running from coyotes on the Nebraska plains under the baking sun.  Great times.  Thought for the month:  "If you hate Mondays and wish for Fridays, you're in a job you hate.  Make the change."  direct quote from Larry Omaha.  

April 2017:  
Boom!  4 months gone already.    Performing in San Diego on the 12th to raise money for the Notah Begay 3 Foundation.  My third year raising funds for health and wellness education for Native youth. I've been auditioning for various tv and movie projects.  Its a crazy life I lead but I really enjoy the daily adventures.  I hope to capture a movie role soon. In the meantime I love making audiences laugh. Laughter is my drug of choice.     

Jan 2017:  
Thanks to everyone who helped me have an incredible December filled with shows all over the country.  I made new friends in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, New Jersey and Hawaii.  This year is also starting off full speed.  Its almost 2018!   

Oct 6, 2016:
I'm home in LA auditioning and performing locally.  End of September I was cruising the Bahamas.  I then flew to Canada to try and halt the influx of illegal Canadians sneaking over the border. Damn Frostbacks!  

Sept 13, 2016:
September is taking off full steam.  Performed at New Mexico Highlands University in Las Vegas, New Mexico.  3000 jammed into the school auditorium.  Then the Fluffy crew landed in Hutchinson, Kansas to take the stage at the Kansas State Fair.  Wizard of Oz country is filled with insanity.  Then it was on to Los Angeles where Fluffy sold out the LA County Fair Comedy Concert.  Performing in front of 8,000 energy-packed fans was mind blowing.  It was another highlight of my 37 year career.

Sept 1, 2016: End of a boiling hot summer here in LA.  Fires came to my neighborhood but incredible firefighters fought it back into the mountains. I'll be doing some state fairs with Fluffy this month.  Las Vegas, NM, Kansas State Fair and then back home to the LA County Fair in Pomona, CA.  Lots of new material, so, come on out and get your laugh on.

July 13, 2016:
5 months have zipped by like the road runner on crack.  The bad thing about enjoying your life...it makes life go by too fast.  So, I have a solution.  Start doing miserable stuff.  Date an ugly person with bad hygiene and one night will seem like an eternity.  I've been out of LA most of the last few months.  More of the same in coming months.  Lots of corporate, state fairs and cruise gigs.  I hope to see some of my freaky friends on the road somewhere, sometime.  Remember the secret to lifelong happiness...set your goals real low. 

2/11/2016:  Spent an insane day taping an episode of Fluffy Breaks Even and what made it even better was we taped and ate at Trejos Tacos!  That's right, the new restaurant opened by Danny "Machete" Trejo. The baddest and funniest actor in the biz. Watch for the episode soon on the Fuse Channel.

1/26/2016:  It's January 26!  Wow. Time is flying.  It's almost 2017!  The new year found me jumping on cruise ships again.  I boarded the Carnival Dream and they told me the other comic missed his flight, so, they asked me if I could do 5 different shows in one night.  Of course, I told them "Hell yeah!  If that's what you need."  So for the first time in my comedy career I performed 5 different 30 minute shows in one night.  I humbly admit I was fantastic!  The rest of the year will be a piece of cake.

Hard to believe but 11 months have scooted by like a rat on crack.  The highlight of October was the European tour with Fluffy.  Amsterdam, Norway, Scotland, Finland, London, every venue the fans gave us huge energy, laughter, and love. I think we had too much fun and should have been arrested.   In November I did a Wisconsin college tour that was kick ass.  Great receptive student audiences and great weather.  I will finish off the year performing for a banquet of cops and then perform on 3 different cruises.   

Alright Kentucky fans, Friday night I'm heading to Berea College in Berea, KY.  Sneak into the campus, they don't really care.
Then on Saturday Sept 5 I'll be with Fluffy at the Foxwoods Casino Theater.  As always it will be insanity time. 

Writing lots of new material.  Working out in local LA clubs. On July 17 I performed at the Orange County Fair in the magnificent Pacific Amphitheater.  As usual it was sold out, 8,500 Fluffy fans.  During my show fireworks started shooting off just outside the performance area.  I got some great laughs by interpreting the fire and smoke..."oh look, they're sending signals to my people! ... "Larry! Where are you?  Your casino check is ready."  In August I will be doing several venues around the midwest.  I'll be looking for you.     

 Recovering from an incredible comedy tour of northern Europe with Gabriel Iglesias.  The Scandinavian fans are insane. They filled arenas in Reykjavik, Stockholm, Oslo, Goterburg, Belgium and Amsterdam. I soaked in the Blue Lagoon of Iceland, drove by the numerous hookers of downtown Oslo, traversed the historical streets of Stockholm built by the Vikings and of course I visited the red light district of Amsterdam. It was disgusting.  Hundreds of near naked women (all 10's) standing in the windows advertising their physical wares. Disgusting. I hope to return soon.   
Just finished working a cruise from Tahiti to all the Hawaiian Islands. I finally had time to work on my tan.  On May 25 I'll be traveling to Viking country with Fluffy's Unity Through Laughter Tour.  No sun over there.  I'm sure I'll return very pale.

 Performing around LA the past several days.  On the 16th I will be at the Northern Plains College Conference in Madison, WI.  Then on the 17th I'll be at Madison Square Garden with Fluffy's Unity Through Laughter Tour. Lots of tv auditions lately.  Hoping to land another sitcom appearance.   

3/25/2015: Tonight I will be on "Hot In Cleveland."  Check it out.  They should rename the show "Steamy in Cleveland," in honor of my appearance.   

 Somehow we're in the 3rd month of 2015.  Life is in high gear. I got out of Boston minutes before their insane 100 inches of snow began falling. Toured Iowa with Fluffy in freezing weather.  All shows were sold out.  Iowans don't care about weather... they laugh at it.  March 25 you can watch me on "Hot in Cleveland" on the TVLand Channel.  Me and Betty White steam up the screen. April 1 I will be doing a private event in San Diego in connection with the National Indian Gaming Association.  April 17th you'll find me on stage at Madison Square Garden!  Performing with Fluffy's Unity Through Laughter Tour.  New York City watch out!!   

1/7/2015: Unbelievable its already January 7th. Time just flying.  It's almost 2016! I finished 2014 on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. I think I made lots of people sea sick. I also worked Paradise Island in Nassau with Fluffy and the place is insane. The biggest water park in the universe. Most fun I've had in years.   
On Nov 17 - 21 I will be taping an episode of "Hot in Cleveland." I"ll be working with the finest comic actresses in tv history, Betty White, Wendy Malick, Valerie Bertinelli and Jane Leeves.  I am beyond thrilled for such an opportunity. 

10/20/2014:  My highlight of the year was working on an episode of "The Millers," a CBS comedy show.  I was honored to work with the best director in the biz, James Burrows.  Google his name and you will see a list of credits directing all the great comedy shows of the last 30 years.  What a high I was on all week. Also, meeting and working alongside the hiliarious JB Smoove, Will Arnett, Beau Bridges, Margo Martindale...too damn cool.  I get some great laughs with my 5 lines.  The show's creator, Greg Garcia, even gave me an extra line for an extra laugh.  This was a huge confidence booster for me as an actor.  Watch the episode on November 24, Monday night before Thanksgiving.

10/17/2014: For a few days I will be off the road and in the CBS studios shooting an episode of the hit show, The Millers.  Working with some of my fav actors, JB Smoove, Beau Bridges and Will Arnett. And the big bonus is being directed by the legendary James Burrows. I'll let you know when the episode is going to air.

9/21/2014: July and August were so hot that I couldn't type. My fingers melted together.  In August I performed with Fluffy at the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo, CO.  The 7,000 Colorado buffaloes were insane!  In September I was back on the high seas fighting pirates.  I'm pretty sure they fear me cause they haven't tried even once to attack a cruise ship I'm traveling on.  On October 4, I will be at Gettysburg College in Gettysburg, PA.  If you live nearby, maybe you can sneak in.  

7/13/14: It's been a typical summer.  My caucasian brothers and sisters baking under the sun...trying to bronzify their flesh.  Its as if they are saying to God, "You messed up!  I should be brown."   I still prefer the shade of a big oak tree.  If you're in So Cal area, come see me at the Ventura Comedy Club July 25-26.

Also, selfies have become epidemic.  It use to be that only young women took selfies but now grown men and women take them 24/7.  Where will it all end? 

5/4/2014:   Its party time in San Juan, Puerto Rico!  Of course, its always party time in San Juan.  Actually its also protest time.  I'm sitting in a coffee house in old town San Juan and union workers are marching on the street outside.  They are protesting for....something!  They should be demanding wider streets.  There is barely room for a one healthy booty to squiggle the San Juan streets. Anyway...its all good.  Protest is healthy unless the government has no sense of humor and lots of bullets.

4/14/2014:  I finished February by getting  root canal on a molar and you know what?  It was kind of fun.  Freaky?  Yes.  But that's me.  I've always had a high threshold for pain. Come on, I was married for 17 years.  Most of life is minor inconveniences, so, I just duck down, scoot around and GO!  Anyway, catch me around LA for the rest of April.  I will be at the Ice House and Laugh Factory.  

2/7/2014:  We're deep into February, days flying by.  Its almost 2015.  I worked with Fluffy in January and its always insane fun.  His fans are ridiculous.  I will be back on the ships real soon.  And I will also be entertaining fire fighters of Lemars, Iowa on the 22nd.

1/14/2014:  Last year ended with sadness.   My friend, Charlie Hill, passed on.  He wasn't just a great friend, he was a trailblazing, truth-telling, hilarious comedian.  I miss him everyday.  I also lost my sister in December.  She was the backbone of our family and a good mother to her children.  I can't believe these two people are gone but I'm thankful I was able to share many years with them.

11/17/2013: Another month has disappeared in a cloud of kick ass comedy shows.  The college kids are hilarious...to me.  A few more to go.  This weekend I'm performing with the funniest dude walking...Gabriel Iglesias, Fluffy!  We are at the Hershey Theater in Pennsylvania.  Smoking hot audiences as usual when Fluffy hits town.  I will also connect with the Fluffmeister in January.  

10/18/2013: Two months have disappeared since I updated this site.  I'm in the middle of touring 20 colleges with my Freaks R Everywhere Tour.  Check my upcoming events to see if I'm at a college near you and then show up!

8/15/2013:  Its been a typical month.  I've been working the ships,  auditioning and getting rejected for numerous films and tv shows.  Rejection is good...it builds character.  Right? 

7/30/2013: Even in the July heat I still drink hot coffee.  Is that freaky?  Anyway, look for me in a new horror flick "21 Days" . . . my role as a Navajo interpreter was a serious challenge.  My tongue was going crazy, going different directions.    

6/13/2013: The Mediteranean gig was mostly cool. Barcelona, Marseille, Rome, Naples and Messina are exciting cities.  The buildings are old but interesting; the streets are narrow and dangerous. Lots to see. The food was excellent and the Italian ice cream was the highlight . . . gelati!  I ate a couple of gallons of gelati.    People park anywhere and everywhere, mostly on the sidewalks.  

5/30/2013: May has raced by.  Spent a few days annoying the Nassau residents.  Worked several gigs around LA.  In June I will be doing my first Mediterranean tour.  Cruising several cities of Italy,Spain, and France.  Fortunately I am fluent in all those languages.  I need to brush up on my English.  

4/27/2013:  My recent trip to the state of Washington is off the hook.  The students are giving it up for my ridiculous jokes.  And for the first time ever, its been sunshine everyday.   

4/9/2013: I am returning to the great northwest, the campus of Washington State University to perform on Friday, April 12.  If you're not a student you'll have to find a way to sneak in (not that difficult)...Compton Union, 10:30PM.    

4/1/2013: April Fools came too fast.  I'm at Cal State Monterey Bay college April 3rd, and then several more colleges in Oregon and Washington later in the month.  I've had several auditions lately for movies and commercials but I am on a cold streak.  I'm due to book a movie real soon.  Showcased for the APCA Conference in Atlanta, GA and picked up a dozen more college dates for the coming months. March is screaming by!  I had a fantastic show at Oregon Tech...the Owls were a hoot.  February ended with some dynamite shows at Linfield College in Oregon and Ft Lewis College in Colorado!  March came roaring in like a kitten. I'm home in LA to recharge my battery. Working the SoCal scene and some colleges most of this month.  In February I crossed the Atlantic on a ship with 4 other comics and we gave the ship passengers quite a week of laughs.  Got to see a little of Spain.  Just enough to make me want to go back and do a complete vacation.   2012 just flew by!  Life seems to fly by when  you're having fun.  My solution to slowing down your life . . . do miserable things.  Time will drag.   On Nov 16th I showcased for NACA West.  College reps from Alaska to Arizona had the chance to see me perform live!  I will be performing at numerous colleges in the new year.   Recently I flew to Tahiti, then Aruba, then somewhere and then someplace...damn, life is flying by.  The hot summer is finally over.  My summer was highlighted performing with Fluffy at the San Diego County Fair, 9,000 strong fans of Gabriel Iglesias gave me lots of love.   Watch me on Comedy Central's Stand Up Revolution hosted by Gabriel Iglesias.  And if you play Mortal Kombat's latest release, I am Nightwolf, shaman warrior.   Pretty cool, huh.   It has been a freak-filled summer.  I survived the Hawaiian Islands, the Mexican Riviera, the Bahamas, the Arizona desert and a big gash in my skull from moving too fast into an open door.  I'm a bad dude.   Larry's jokes come fast and furious! He hits every topic: stupid stereotypes; wacked out relatives; why Santa avoids Indian reservations. Without using shocking language he will have you in convulsions and tears. Some comics attack their audience but Larry engages his audience and takes them on a roller coaster comedy ride they'll never forget. His unique point of view on multi-ethnic America has garnered numerous tv appearances and places him in great demand on the corporate circuit. His comical stories about his youth are hailed by the Los Angeles Times as, "Refreshing, funny and universal." Omaha's side-splitting jabs at every day life inspired the Las Vegas Sun to label him , "A very hip comic for the the new millennium."


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